Add other languages

Go to the following menu to add the language(s) you have uploaded together with Drupal:

Home›Administer›Site configuration›Languages

  • Click on ‘Add language’, select the language and click ‘Add language’.

Remark: If you have the choice, it is better to leave the default language on English. It is absolutely not recommended to change the default language later.

You are now able to configure what will happen with your URL, when you change the language of the website.

Go to menu: Home›Administer›Site configuration›Languages›Configure

  • Select the desired option

Now you can configure in the following menu, which prefix or which domain name your will like for every language.

Home›Administer›Site configuration›Languages›List

  • Click on ‘edit’ behind every language

Internationization module

To make Drupal fully multilingual you need the Internationalization module (i18n).

Upload this module into the directory: /sites/all/modules. If this directory is not there, create it. Do not put your module directly into the /modules directory. This is only for core modules.

The Internationalization module has a lot of ‘sub-modules’, for now we are only enable the ‘Internationalization’ module:

  • Go to menu: Home › Administer › Site building › Modules
  • Select only the module ‘Internationalization’ and click on ‘Save configuration’

Translated content

To be able to write content in a specific language, you have to enable this for every content type. In this example we are going to enable multi-language for Blog-items.

  • Go to menu: Home › Administer › Content management
  • Click on ‘Blog entry’
  • Select under ‘Workflow settings › Multilangual support: ‘Enabled, with translation’
  • Select under ‘Multilanguage options › Options for node language: ‘Set current language as default for new content

Now you are able to select a language for this type of content and also will be able to translate the content.