Add handy aliases
Add the following at the end of bash.bashrc:
$ vi /etc/bash.bashrc
alias ll='ls -l'
alias pg='ps -ef|grep'
alias vi='vim'
The last alias “vi” is to use vim instead of vi. vim is the more luxury editor ;-).
To install vim, enter the following command:
$ apt-get install vim
Network settings
I want to have a fixed IP address, instead of DHCP. Open the interfaces file and put the following settings in that file. Adapt the address, netmask and gateway to your own network:
$ vi /etc/network/interfaces
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback_
# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
Check also if the nameserver IP nr is correct:
$ vi /etc/resolv.conf
To use the new settings, we need to restart the network interface, enter the following command:
$ /etc/init.d/networking restart
Remove the Debian No Waranty message
When logging in, you get a message of 7 rows about No Waranty of Debian, you can find this text in the file/etc/motd en /etc/motd.tail.
To remove this message, just remove this files. Or you can edit the files with vi and put your own message in it. To remove the files, enter the following commands:
$ rm /etc/motd
$ rm /etc/motd.tail